Here We Go…

Hey everyone, I am sure you guys are tired of hearing about resolutions but it’s that time of year where everyone starts talking about their resolutions and what they are looking to accomplish for the upcoming year. Every year I would makes these elaborate goals and very strict resolutions and then I would feel defeated 2 weeks in because I would get this burst of motivation in the beginning and then run out of steam as the weeks progress. It’s the same thing like when you see everyone in the gym in January and then by February only a few remain.

What I did differently this year was that I realized that it wasn’t so much the goals itself, but I needed to focus on the systems. The systems that I need to put in place that will put me in a position for success. Once I focused on that, it has made it easier to accomplish goals that I have set up for myself. I’ve been listening to this audiobook on Audible by Kevin Hart called The Decision and it’s so good!!! First of all he’s extremely entertaining to listen to and the information he shares is very easy and digestible. I’ve been listening to it for the past couple of days and I can’t even begin to tell you how much I have enjoyed it! It talks about decision making and the things that affect it and how you can overcome them!

Listening to it made me realize all the excuses I make to myself on a daily basis. Some of it is subconscious and others are bad habits and limitations that I am putting up. Once I realized that, I began to be more intentional with my decision making and not just have resolutions but actual changes that I can make every day. Even if it’s just one step towards the positive change and I just focus on that, then I’m going in the right direction. I am going to be writing some more posts elaborating on the changes that I am making that helps me so maybe in turn we can hold each other accountable. I know 2020 was a difficult year for most in one way or the other and many people are still dealing with those ramifications. I pray that everyone has a positive, healthy and fulfilling year and may we all make the changes that get us closer to living a life that we envision for ourselves!

Lots of Love,


Either you run the day, or the day runs you. – Jim Rohn

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3 Changes For The New Year

Hey everyone! Isn’t it crazy that we are in 2020!! I don’t know if you guys are into making resolutions in January and sticking with them, but I always try to make resolutions in January and then three weeks into it find myself falling off and going back to the way things were the year before. This year I want to create more productive habits that I can do in my every day life that will help keep me consistent and not whenever I feel inspired. Here are some of the resolutions or healthy habits I incorporated into my daily life in January.

1. Journaling- I started journaling as a way to clear my mind and kind of brain dump. As someone who is about to have a baby for the first time and going through all these physical and mental changes, I needed a healthy outlet of expressing myself without dumping it on everyone else around me! Even though I’m lucky to have such an amazing support system around me, it was really nice to be able to just have that quiet moment with myself.

2. Exercise- I started implementing being more active even in small ways. I am getting heavier and as the due date is approaching, it’s getting harder to move around. By not putting that extra pressure on having a rigid workout schedule, I am able to just enjoy and actually get more steps and activity than before. I know that once the baby is here and I get the clearance from my doctors, I will be more active and get into the gym more, but for now this is what has been working for me.

3. Scheduling- I have been focusing on short term goals that keep me consistent and get me closer to those long term goals. What I mean by that is I used to have these grandiose plans of what I wanted to accomplish and it was a really long list and super motivated, but I didn’t know how to get there so then after a couple of weeks, I would get discouraged and give up and then procrastinate and it would just turn into this negative unproductive cycle. Now what I have been doing is I write down my big goals and then I break it down to smaller attainable goals, that way I am a step closer to that end goal. For example being healthy and in the best shape that I have ever been in is one of my long term goals for this year, so how I broke that down, is being more active, eating healthier, limiting junk food to a minimum or finding alternatives to foods that I like. The little steps that I can take will give me that momentum and get me closer to that long term goal.

These were just some of the little habits that I have been bringing into my daily routine. I know that once I have a baby, things will definitely have to be adjusted but I am happy to have the foundation and then I can adjust and adapt accordingly. What are some of the resolutions that you guys have been sticking to this year?

Lots of Love,


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